Water Pollution – Is It Really as Bad as They Say?
A number of years ago when I was in college in Los Angeles (I won’t tell you when but my kids will tell you I took notes on a stone tablet, not an I-Pad), there was a Harvard Professor named Tom Lehrer who wrote satire songs and sang them in nightclubs. One of my favorites is called “Pollution” and was meant to warn foreign travelers to the United States about certain dangers they might run into while visiting. Two of the stanzas were very important then, but are more important in today’s world as more and more are polluting our environment. These stanzas are: “If you visit American City, You will find it very pretty. Just two things you must beware: Don’t drink the water and don’t breathe the air;” and “Lots of things there that you can drink, But stay away from the kitchen sink. The breakfast that you throw into the bay, they drink at lunch in San Jose.”

At first thought, you might think that this song is ridiculous, but look at some of the following facts:
- Most water companies only remove the particulate matter from the water you flush into your toilet and put large amounts of chlorine into the processed water to “sterilize” it. This means if you are taking any prescription medicines for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol or cancer, these chemicals get into our waste water supply and are not filtered out of the water that is recycled for our drinking use.
- Each year there are 250 million cases of water-born disease from polluted water. This results in 5 to 10 million deaths each year.
- Americans spent greater than $15 billion dollars in 2011 on bottled water resulting in over 50 billion plastic bottles dumped into our landfills.
- Almost half of all the bottled water we drink in the United States starts out as “municipal” water and is not further treated except for possibly filtration.
- We produce more waste each year than the weight of the entire world’s population. This means a tremendous amount of this gets into our landfills, rivers, water supplies and food.
- In some countries around the world people have to line up to get fresh drinking water, even then it’s in a plastic bottle. The reality is that one day we too in the United States might have to stand in line just to get fresh drinking water as more and more of our water sources are becoming polluted and not safe to be used for human consumption.
- Water pollution is the number one cause of death and disease in the world.
- In 2008, the weight of the entire human race in sewage and industrial waste was dumped into the world’s water each year; now it is dumped into the water every day!
- Two and a half billion people live in conditions without sanitation.
- Eighteen (18) percent of the world’s population, relying on rivers for their water supply, must defecate in the open.
- Developing countries pour 70% of their waste into water supplies with NO prior treatment.
What Can We Do to Insure the Safety of Our Drinking Water?
I recently discovered that a company called ARIIX developed a new portable water filtration system in a bottle that reduces the pollutants in the water that is poured into it by up to 99.999994%. This has been independently tested and certified by a company in Florida. The reduction of pollutants include the biological, pharmaceutical, heavy metal, pesticides and chlorine contamination. Remember the last time your travel agent told you that on your trip to “not drink the water?” Well, now you can. I understand that one of our Navy Seal Teams also carry this remarkable water filtration system on their missions. For more information on the extent of the pollution problem, please follow this link to the Puritii Water Filtration System or fill out the form below and receive additional information.
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