Eat Fat to Lose Weight? Separating the Fat from the Fiction In a recent webinar I gave, one of the participants asked the following question: “I keep reading everywhere that fat is good […]
Do Genetics Determine If I Will Have Heart Disease? I read an article a couple of days ago that was written by a medical colleague of mine. It reminded me of […]
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Their Role in Inflammation What are essential fatty acids? There are three essential fatty acids. They are called essential to human health because the body cannot […]
Good Fats and Fatty Substances The Skinny on Fats Fats and oils are part of a healthy diet and play many important roles in the body. Fat […]
Can You Eat Fat to Lose Fat? A new study from Kyoto, Japan suggests that fish oil can change fat storage cells in our bodies into those that burn […]