Recently, every time you turn on the television, or read a magazine, or surf the internet, you see someone talking about the growing problem of obesity in the US. Now we’re beginning to see all of the news about how obesity is affecting the workplace. Let’s face it, healthy weight is not all about looking good in those skinny jeans, but more about people who are at their ideal weight actually feel better. But I’m not just talking about being “well”, but these people have more confidence, energy and an overall sense of well-being.
Studies have shown that in the workplace, employees who put health and nutrition as a priority are generally more productive, have a positive outlook and attitude, and generally have fewer sick or injury days than those who don’t. Quite simply – happy, healthy employees equate to a positive, productive and profitable business for you, the employer.
What’s the Total Cost of Obesity?
The following bullet points are impressive:
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 69% of American adults are obese or overweight.
Obese employees had twice the number of claims than non-obese employees - The total cost to US companies as a result of lower productivity and absenteeism is $73.1 billion per year.
- Duke University researchers found that obese workers filed twice the number of workers’ compensation claims, had seven (7) times higher medical costs from those claims, and lost 13 more work days than did non-obese workers.
- It’s also estimated now that these extra healthcare/comp costs cost employers more in healthcare costs than employees who smoke.
Help Your Employees Lose Weight and Improve Their Overall Health
A number of studies have been done designed to help employees lose weight and become healthier. One study done in California used healthcare workers who already knew the importance and relationship of losing weight and good health. This study had about 75 participants divided into two groups. The first group was given an incentive award from the hospital while the second group received no incentive reward if they reached their goals. At the end of 28 weeks, the group who received an incentive lost a little over three (3) times more weight than the group who received no incentive. This amounted to about seven pounds versus 2.1 pounds, respectively, in 28 weeks.
About 18 months ago, a small clinical study was done with a group of overweight and obese individuals using a doctor-designed and doctor-approved homeopathic, GMP weight loss supplement and no exercise. On average, the participants lost 15 to 17 pounds per month. The study looked at four (4) groups within the larger study. The results are shown below:
Group A | Diet (1250 calories) plus placebo |
Lost weight, but stalled at 2 weeks |
Group B | Diet (1250 calories) plus SenderiixTM/Xceler8TM |
50% increase in weight loss over Group A |
Group C | Diet (1250 calories) plus SenderiixTM/Xceler8TM and supporting Nutrifii products |
3 times more weight loss over control (Group A) |
Group D | Diet (1250 calories) plus SenderiixTM/Xceler8TM and supporting Nutrifii products plus RejuveniixTM |
17% more weight loss than Group C |

In the past 9 months, additional groups have tried this weight loss supplement along with webinars to teach about how to lose the weight and keep it off. The men’s groups lost an average of 26.6 pounds in 8 weeks, while the women’s groups were slight lower. If you compare these results with the first study (using groups who received or didn’t receive an incentive), you can extrapolate that the incentive-group could have lost over 60 to 80 pounds in the 28-week trial that was done. This is a much more cost effective to lose weight safely. If exercise is added to the routine, the weight loss could be more effective.
Make SlenderiizTM Your Corporate Wellness Partner
Corporate Wellness programs are not new. They are an investment in your most important resource – your employees. Many companies are now offering programs that help their employees create a healthier lifestyle. By including SlenderiizTM Weight Loss as part of your Corporate Wellness benefits, you can provide employees with a weight loss program that works. This can be at little or no cost to the employer. Let SlenderiizTM be your Corporate Wellness Partner. I did, and I lost 46 pounds! See my story.
For more information or to sign up for a future SlenderiizTM Corporate Wellness Partner Workshop, fill in the form below and a member of our team will contact you.