What Sugar Does To Our Bodies

Each day we see more and more information on the effects of sugar in and on our bodies. Recently I saw several […]

Comparison of Popular Diets

There are many reasons you don’t lose weight even though you do all of the right things. This might seem weird to […]

"Weighing In" on Obesity

Recently, both the American Medical Association (AMA) and the US Federal Drug Administration have declared obesity a “disease.” Doctors and researchers have […]

Ladies 3X Weight Loss

Learn why you gain weight Learn why you can’t lose weight Learn why you don’t have to starve yourself or do intensive […]

Men's 3X Fat Loss Program

Shocking Discovery…Lose Weight Without Exercise! Tim Sales has been working underground for 2-years on a Fat Loss system and has broken the […]

Can You Eat Fat to Lose Fat?

A new study from Kyoto, Japan suggests that fish oil can change fat storage cells in our bodies into those that burn […]

Slenderiiz Weight Loss Webinar

It’s finally ready to go! Join Dr. Alan Organ and Dr. Richard Norris as we unveil an exclusive coaching program we have […]

"Weighing" in on Obesity

Recently, the American Medical Association (AMA) and the US Federal Drug Administration both declared obesity a “disease.” Doctors and researchers have known […]