Aging is not just the way we look…
Your skin is your largest organ in the body. We look at aging differently if we are consumers or physicians. If we get wrinkles, or aching joints or grey hair, it’s easy to think or feel that we are getting older. But your skin is just at the surface because physicians look at other bio-markers as we age. It’s not the wrinkles we should worry about, but more importantly, the degenerative diseases which can prematurely change our lives.
Look at the diseases or conditions that are very common today. These include breast cancer, heart disease, depression, hormone disruption, memory loss, birth defects, attention deficit disorder and obesity. Now look at the following chemicals that are present in our skin and personal care products. They are the worst of the worst – carcinogenic age accelerators – that are directly linked to one or more of the diseases or conditions I mentioned above.

- DEA (Diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), and TEA (Triethanolamine) – These foam boosters are skin and eye irritants. They cause contact dermatitis and are easily absorbed through the skin. They can accumulate in body organs, even the brain. Repeated use results in major increases of liver and kidney cancer.
- Dioxin – This chemical doesn’t appear on an ingredient list. It is often contained in antibacterial ingredients such as triclosan, emulsifiers, PEGs and ethoxylated cleansers like Sodium Laureth Sulfate. What is important to understand is that dioxin causes cancer, reduced immunity, nervous system disorders, miscarriages and birth deformity. It’s a hormone-disrupting chemical with toxic effects measured in the parts per trillion. It causes damage to genes which help us detoxify from these toxins. It was very effective in killing plants in the jungles of Vietnam during the war.
- DMDM Hydantoin & Urea (Imidazolidinyl) – Just two of many preservatives that often release formaldehyde which may cause joint pain, cancer, skin reactions, allergies, depression, headaches, chest pains, ear infections, chronic fatigue, dizziness, and loss of sleep. Exposure may irritate the respiratory system, trigger heart palpitations or asthma, aggravate coughs and colds.
- FD&C Color Pigments – These synthetic colors are derived from coal tar. They contain heavy metal salts that deposit toxins in skin, causing skin sensitivity and irritation. Absorption of these toxins can cause depletion of oxygen and death. Animal studies show almost all are carcinogenic.
- Fragrances – Fragrances can indicate the presence of up to 4,000 separate ingredients including phthalates. Phthalates are toxic or carcinogenic. Symptoms of phthalate ingestion include headaches, dizziness, allergic rashes, skin discoloration, violent coughing, vomiting and skin irritation. They are also hormone (gender) disruptors.
- Parabens – There are four types of parabens that are used as preservatives. They are not always labeled as “parabens”, but may be labeled as benzoic acid, benzoate or aseptoform butyl. In fact, stay away from any cosmetic that contains any ingredient that has benzoic or benzoate in its name. Parabens in deodorants and antiperspirants are linked to breast cancer and have recently been found in breast cancer tumors. Parabens, as xenoestrogens (hormone disruptors), may contribute to sterility in male mice and humans. Their estrogenic-like activity causes hormone imbalances in females and early puberty.
- PEG (Polyethylene glycol) – Made by ethoxylating Propylene Glycol (anti-freeze). Dangerous levels of dioxin (see above) have been found as a by-product of the ethoxylation process. PEGs are in everything including personal care, baby care and sunscreen products.
- Phthalates – Phthalates are Xenoestrogens (gender-benders or hormone disruptors). They are commonly found in many products and are usually not listed on labels. Health effects include damage to liver and kidneys, birth defects, decreased sperm counts and early breast development in girls and boys.
- Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol – Petroleum plastics act as surfactants (wetting agents, solvents). The EPA considers PG so toxic it requires protective gloves, clothing, goggles and disposing of PG solutions by burying them. Because PG penetrates skin so quickly, EPA warns against skin contact to prevent consequences such as brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities. There isn’t a warning label on products where concentration is greater than in most industrial applications. Why would you want to put this on your skin (your largest organ)?
- Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) – These two chemicals are detergents and surfactants that pose serious health threats. They are used in car washes, garage floor cleaners, engine degreasers and 90% of personal-care products that foam. Animals exposed to SLS experienced eye damage, depression, labored breathing, diarrhea, severe skin irritation, and even death. SLS may also damage your skin’s immune system by causing layers to separate, inflame and age.
- Triclosan – This is a synthetic “antibacterial” product with a chemical structure similar to Agent Orange! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registers it as a pesticide because it poses risks to human health and environment. Classified as a chlorophenol, these chemicals are suspected of causing cancer in humans. Its manufacturing process often produces dioxin (see above).
These are the most dangerous of the chemicals that are put into our “beauty products.”
In the Summer of 2014, ARIIX released a line of beauty care products that are organic and toxic-free. The chemicals listed above are not in any of these new products. To learn more about or to order Reviive Beauty Care Products, use the link below. Use the following products codes to order Reviive Shampoo (306.010100), Reviive Conditioner (307.010100), Reviive Body Wash (308.010100) or Reviive Toothpaste (309.010100).